Watch Stefan Blomsterberg’s presentation at ProHearings on Februari 19, 2021.

Duration: 30 min

On September 10, Medfield Diagnostics AB hosted a Health Minister’s visit from Australia NSW. The Minister and his delegation were particularly interested in discussing Medfield’s opportunities to collaborate in the development of pre-hospital stroke and trauma care and the use of the Medfield MD100 system.

The background to the visit is Medfield’s ongoing collaboration with the Hunter Medical Research Institute, which includes clinical verification of Medfield’s MD100 system.

Great interest when Medfield participates in the ESOC and Vitalis conferences.

ESOC stand for the European Stroke Organisation Conference. An annual conference where Europe’s leading researchers in stroke are networking and present their projects.
Together with the University of Borås, the Ambulance at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, the Västra Götaland region, the Ambulance operations at SKAS and SÄS, Medfield Diagnostics AB and GM Medical AB run PICTA – Prehospital ICT Arena, at Lindholmen Science Park, the PreTest project, which started after receiving funding from Vinnova. During Vitalis, the mobile test bed (PreTest) was shown and how MD100 can be integrated in the prehospital care process.


Medfield demonstrates the MD100 in the USA and networks with the US Armed Forces for continued development of the system.

Medfield genomför produktdemonstration i fältsjukhusmiljö i samband med internationell kirurgisk trauma utbildning (DSTC) vid Försvarsmedicincentrum (FömedC) i Göteborg.

Medfield genomför produktdemonstration i fältsjukhusmiljö i samband med internationell kirurgisk trauma utbildning (DSTC) vid Försvarsmedicincentrum (FömedC) i Göteborg.

Medfield signs contract with BRL to establish a joint subsidiary in China.

Huge interest in MD100 and the microwave technology as Medfield Diagnostics AB measures on healthy volunteers at the European Stroke Organisation Conference in Göteborg.